Sunday, 8 September 2013

Settting the phone number in an android emulator

So this is another short post to help answer a question that the Internet seems to faff around with:
  "How do I set the phone number in an Android emulator?"

This was important for me as I have been producing a proof of concept app that relies on using the phone number as a way of identifying you. Rather hard if all the emulators are on the same number.

So as a result it appears that the following information can be used:
 - The number of the phone ends in the four digits relating to the port number that the emulator is listening on. So for instance when it's run on port 5554:

To change, you can run ./emulator -avd -port
There doesn't seem to be a way to set the port when using Eclipse's AVD manager, but they will at least start on incrementing ports from 5554 onwards so no chance of a collision.

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