Friday 3 April 2009

Painted signs... why?

I feel a weird experiment coming on. Firstly I want to find something that I care about enough to go somewhere with a big sign and shout angrily at no one in particular. Secondly I want to be given the mindset that this is not only a worthwhile action, it is the best thing to do to bring about resolution in my favour.

This is of course in reference to the recent G20 summit (I wonder if I'm on the FBI list for writing this yet?). It seems a weird hobby to have.
"What do you do?"
"oh I'm a telesales person with Ensleigh insurance"
"Really, what do you do when you're not working?"
"I like painting and attending large rallies to protest global political situations".

I assume that this is the same state as Nazi vegetarians or militant recycling police (people who tell you off for not putting a crisp packet in the special recycling bin). They must be aware that nothing changes because of their choices; animals still die and the world is still becoming more polluted and damaged, but their stance puts them on the side of "right". They are not to blame for the bad because they aren't a part of the problem. That's fine, I don't mind this. Of course if they start protesting that they are a better person than me because of it...

But protesting struggles to fit in to this category. You are not changing your life to be different. You can't protest against the reluctance of the uk to remove its nuclear deterrent in the same way because you are not on the same level. You can't say "Look, my world is free of nuclear weapons and I haven't suffered any military or political repercussions". The argument doesn't fit. Now if you were a country with strong military ties to the world and then you removed your reliance on nukes then yes, that would make sense. But you don't. You're a car mechanic from Ipswich with 2 kids.

But I guess that's where it comes from. It's born out of frustration. You can't change the uk's businesses risky capitalisation on fluctuating markets because you are a nothing in their eyes. Your opinion is irrelevant and won't be listened too. I feel like I might be close to sympathy (a first).

So close and yet so far. I still don't see why the only solution left is to stand in a street with a sign near the house of someone who might be able to make a difference to your cause.

Someone in that amount of power will be basing their decisions on advice from people in the know. Influential people that may very well politically and financially support this person. They must base their suggestions on the repercussions, like a move in chess affecting all the other pieces on the board. They will not however, ever look out of their window and read your "no nukes in Britain" hand painted sign and think "oh yeah.... I hadn't thought of that".
So maybe the satisfaction is just from being there. You won’t make a difference, but that’s okay. You are surrounded by people who believe that doesn’t matter either and in front of you is a line of police stopping you progressing. As if just beyond this line is a point in which you would make a difference. Just another 50 foot forward and your point would be taken on and changes would be made. But if it doesn’t matter what you protest as nothing will happen, why not chose a new subject. “Kittens make good pets!”. Who knows, maybe that will stick in the head of those in charge more easily and Mr. Brown may have a couple of lil’ cats by next week.

On a separate note, I now have mentioned nukes, G20, 20th century fascists and nuclear weapons in this article. That should get me a few more hits.